In these times when geothermal energy is being associated to large EQs and thus not feasible, we showed that it is possible! It is possible to perform geothermal development to extract energy without causing earthquakes felt at the surface! In
Contributions in upcoming workshops
The SAIDAN Team is on tour ! We will have the following presentations in the upcoming meetings: Schatzalp, 2019 , Davos, Switzerland Grzegorz Kwiatek : Controlling induced seismicity during hydraulic stimulation of a 6 km deep Enhanced Geothermal System in
New article on Pohang Geothermal Stimulation
In this work, we describe the first field experiment applying a special type of stimulation (cyclic soft stimulation) with the purpose of reducing the occurrence of large magnitude events below a pre-defined magnitude threshold (M<2). The paper that we have
Slow strain release south of Istanbul
Today, our paper on the detection of a transient signal lasting about 50 days in the fault south of Istanbul has been finally published in EPSL ! This paper is important as it is the first observation of this kind
Welcome to SAIDAN, Virginie Durand
We are pleased to introduce Dr. Virginie Durand as part of the SAIDAN team! Virginie comes from IPGP in Paris and she is an experienced researcher in characterizing the earthquake nucleation phase. We are really excited to make science together